Lean Muscle Mass

Lean Muscle Mass: 10 best tips that work to gaining lean muscle

Ready to transform your flabby body into a lean muscle physique? The MUSCLEZ Gym will explain a high-impact strategy for building lean muscle mass faster and 10 best tips that work to gain lean muscle. It’s simpler than you might imagine.

If you’re looking to gain lean muscle mass, there are several ways to do it. You can go to the gym and lift weights or try a “bodybuilding” supplement that promises results overnight. But if you want real results—and the lean muscle mass that lasts for years—you need to take a more holistic approach and look for the professional that will help you to gain lean muscle. 

In this article, we are The MUSCLEZ Gym will explain what exactly it means by “lean muscle mass” and and how you can build lean muscle mass! Even you can join or gym where professional will guide you on every step to build a lean muscle mass.

What is Lean Muscle?

Lean muscle is a type of tissue found in the body. It’s mainly composed of protein, and it helps us move our bodies. Lean muscle is not the same as fat; it’s an integral part of overall health.

As you age, you may lose some lean muscle mass due to reduced physical activity and aging changes in hormones and cells that control metabolism. This loss can lead to increased body fat percentage and increased risk for chronic conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure.

Lean Muscle

What is Lean Muscle Mass?

Lean muscle mass is the amount of muscle you have. It’s different from fat, bone, water, and glycogen. Lean muscle mass is built by working out at the gym and eating a healthy diet. To estimate body fat percentage, you can measure lean muscle mass using an electric impedance scale with small electrical currents.

In general, having more lean muscle means being stronger and healthier overall—plus, you’ll burn more calories every day without even trying!

How can you build lean muscle mass?

To build lean muscle mass, you must engage in resistance training and eat a high-protein diet. Additionally, you should avoid alcohol and get enough sleep, so your body has time to recover from exercise. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is also an excellent way to gain lean muscle.

Some people like doing cardio exercise because it helps them burn calories, but it’s essential to do only a little cardio when trying to build lean muscle mass. Although HIIT workouts are great for gaining lean muscle mass, too much HIIT can lower your body fat percentage without increasing your total fat-free mass index (BFMI).

Difference between Lean Muscle and Muscle

  • Lean muscle mass is the amount of muscle tissue in your body. It’s not just about how much you’re lifting but also how much muscle you have. The lean muscle mass you have, the better for your health and for losing weight.
  • Muscle is the tissue that contracts and controls movement in your body. It’s made up of cells called fibroblasts which give it elasticity by pulling on proteins called actin and myosin that cause them to contract. Muscle also contains glycogen, which is what gives it its size.

10 best training tips for gaining Lean Muscle Mass

If you want to gain lean muscle mass, there’s no secret formula. You just have to work hard and eat right. But if you want to know how to get the most out of your workouts and ensure that your muscles are growing as quickly as possible, you might be interested in some of these tips.

1. Train at the right intensity and volume

Intensity and volume are two critical factors in training. Intensity is the amount of weight you use, while volume is the number of sets and reps you do. You need to balance intensity and volume to get bigger and stronger. A training log will help you keep track of your progress.

2. Reduce Your Cardio

This is because you’re burning muscle tissue when you run or bike long distances. The more cardio exercise you do, the fewer calories your body uses to build new muscle but instead uses them for fuel during exercise. This leads to less calories used overall and less protein synthesis—the process by which cells repair themselves after training and grow bigger (and therefore stronger). That means your body will not grow as fast as it could have if you were doing more weightlifting instead of running 10 miles daily.

3. Lift Heavy Weights

The third important point is to lift heavy. While the number of repetitions you perform can be a useful tool for gauging your workout intensity, other things that matter. The amount of weight you’re lifting should also be considered—especially when you’re talking about gaining lean muscle mass. The more weight you can lift, the more stress you’re putting on your muscles and, therefore, the greater your growth potential. 

4 Go Harder in the Gym

You’ve heard it before, but it’s worth repeating. When you’re in the gym working out, go hard. If your goal is to gain lean muscle mass, try lifting at least 60% of your one-rep max (the most weight you can lift once) during each set without going over it more than 5%. 

5 Get on a Program

With the right training program for your needs, it will be easier for you to see results. There are many different programs; finding one that works for you and your goals can be overwhelming. Some are better than others, and some are more suited for specific types of people than others.

6 Try metabolic resistance training (MRT)

Metabolic resistance training (MRT) is a form of strength training that involves using lighter weights and higher reps with short rest periods. It’s a great way to build muscle mass and burn fat simultaneously. You can do MRT by mixing up your workouts every few days (or even daily) or stick with one routine for longer if you prefer.

7 Get the Right Supplements

Supplements can be a great way to help you reach your goals faster. They can also be used to recover faster and train harder, but they are not a substitute for healthy eating or exercise. Supplements should be used in conjunction with these things to get the best results.

8 Track Your Results

Tracking your results is one of the best ways to stay motivated. You can also use this data to see what is working for you and what isn’t and how far you have come. It might be time to adjust if a particular workout routine needs to give you the desired results. A great way to track your progress is by using a fitness tracker or smartwatch.

9 Do more compound movements

Compound movements are exercises that work for multiple muscle groups at once. They’re also known as multi-joint exercises, and examples include the squat, bench press, deadlift, military press and bent-over row.

These exercises are superior for gaining lean muscle mass because they allow you to lift more weight than isolation exercises. As a result, compound movements burn more calories and build greater muscle mass than isolation movements.


10. End your workout with a muscle power exercise

After completing your heavy compound movements, it’s time to finish your workout with some power exercises. Power exercises are those that involve relatively heavy weights and low reps. This type of training is critical for helping you build muscle mass and strength. Examples of power movements include box jumps, push presses and deadlifts (the king of all lifts).

13 food habits to avoid for building lean muscle mass

Building lean muscle mass comes down to eating suitable foods and doing the right kinds of workouts. It can be challenging to do both at once, but if you know what mistakes to avoid, you’ll be well on your way to healthy body composition. Here are 13 everyday food habits that can hinder your progress:

1. Not eating enough calories

The first thing to note is that you don’t need to eat excessive calories to build muscle. It’s all about balance. Don’t go hungry, and don’t overeat; find a balance between eating enough calories but not too many. The recommended range is 1-2 pounds per week, depending on how much fat vs muscle mass you want to gain or lose respectively.

2. Drinking too much alcohol

Drinking alcohol can be a great way to relax after a long day, but it can also cause you to eat more than usual and interfere with your sleep. If you eat more after drinking alcohol, try swapping out wines or beers for sparkling water or seltzer with lemon juice instead.


3. Drinking sugary drinks

Sugary drinks are high in calories and sugar, which can cause tooth decay and weight gain. Sugary drinks also contribute to diabetes, a disease prevalent among people who carry excess weight.

4. Fasting before a workout

If your goal is weight loss and you’re going to be working out in the morning on an empty stomach, it may sound like an easy solution: just skip breakfast or work out on an empty stomach! But, if your goal is building lean muscle mass & gaining strength, then eating a small meal about 1-3 hours before working out will ensure that your body has adequate energy for workouts without breaking down muscle tissue as an alternative source of fuel.

5. Not controlling portion sizes.

Portion sizes matter. When building lean muscle mass, you should be focused on feeding your body quality food in smaller portions throughout the day. Large meals are fine, but they should be something other than your primary source of nutrition. The key is to eat frequent small meals and snacks throughout the day, especially if you’re trying to gain muscle mass.

6. Eating the same foods every day

If you’re eating the same foods every day, it’s likely that you’ll develop cravings for those foods at some point in your dieting journey—and those cravings will only get worse as time goes on! In general, variety is good for our bodies because it helps us get all the nutrients we need without overloading on any one thing.

7. Getting too little protein

Protein is a key building block if you’re looking to build muscle. If you need more of it in your diet, your body will break down its muscles for energy. But how much protein do you need to build muscle? It depends on your weight and activity level. For example: if you weigh 180 pounds and exercise five times per week for 45 minutes each time, then the recommendation is about 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight (180 grams). 

8. Eating too few carbs

Carbohydrates are the body’s primary energy source and should make up 45% to 65% of your diet. Carbohydrates can be good for you—when eaten in moderation. Carbs will help you gain lean muscle mass if consumed after a workout or as part of a meal containing protein and fat.

9. Basing your diet on supplements instead of real food

Supplements are essential to a bodybuilding diet, but keep them from being the foundation of your nutrition plan. Real food is your first nutrient source—it’s more sustainable than supplements. Supplements are not magic pills that will make you instantly healthy or muscular. Instead, they’re just another tool that can enhance your progress if you use them correctly and in conjunction with proper eating habits.

10. Underestimating how many calories you burn per day

Your daily calorie needs are calculated by combining your basal metabolic rate with the amount of physical activity you do each day. The more active you are, the higher your daily calorie intake must be to maintain weight. Calorie needs vary widely among individuals. It takes about 2,000 calories to build a pound of muscle mass; however, this figure can vary depending on body type and training intensity.

11. Overeating after exercise

Try to eat within 45 minutes of finishing your workout. After that, there is no need to stuff yourself with food—you won’t be able to digest it properly anyway. Eat slowly and mindfully; this way, you can feel full without overeating. If you’re not hungry after eating this meal, just have a snack later or wait until the next mealtime as usual.

12. Skipping supplements

Supplements are a great way to help you hit your nutrition, training and recovery goals. If you’re trying to build lean muscle mass, you must eat enough protein and carbs each day to give your body what it needs for growth and recovery. A good rule of thumb when choosing which supplements are right for you is: if there isn’t any research behind the product, then don’t use it! 

13. Missing meals on purpose to lose weight faster

Playing with your food intake is dangerous and can make you lose muscle mass. If you want to lose weight, eat fewer calories than you need. But eating less than that may result in the body going into starvation mode and burning only fat for energy—and storing any extra carbs as fat instead of using them for fuel or building lean muscle mass.

Lean Muscle


To conclude, if you want to gain lean muscle mass and improve your overall health, you must start exercising. Find a workout routine that fits your lifestyle and stick with it, no matter how complex the process may be. Also you can get help in building muscle mass from the most proficient trainers and experts at The MUSCLEZ Gym. It will be worth the effort!